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Analysis of the Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Models Act (SB 1047)

July 16, 2024

Analysis of the Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Models Act (SB 1047)


The Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Models Act (SB 1047) is a comprehensive piece of legislation aimed at regulating the development and deployment of advanced AI models in California. This bill introduces several key provisions to ensure the responsible use of AI technology while fostering innovation.


Key Components of SB 1047


1. Developer Requirements


●  Developers must implement a full shutdown capability before training covered models.

●  A written safety and security protocol is mandatory.

●  Commercial or public use of covered models is prohibited if there’s an unreasonable risk of critical harm.

●  Annual third-party audits for compliance will be required starting January 1, 2028.


2. Regulatory Oversight


●  Establishes the Frontier Model Division within the Government Operations Agency.

●  Creates the Board of Frontier Models to supervise the division.

●  Developers must submit compliance certifications to the Frontier Model Division.

●  The division will review annual certification reports and release summarized findings.


3. Incident Reporting and Whistleblower Protections


●  Developers must report AI safety incidents to the Frontier Model Division.

●  Whistleblower protections are provided for employees reporting non-compliance or risks.


4. Computing Cluster Regulations


●  Operators of computing clusters must implement policies to assess whether customers intend to train covered models.


5. CalCompute Initiative


●  The Department of Technology will create a public cloud computing cluster called CalCompute.

●  CalCompute will focus on research into safe deployment of large-scale AI models and fostering equitable innovation.


Implications for AI Development and Deployment


This legislation represents a significant step towards regulating frontier AI models. It aims to balance innovation with safety and security concerns, potentially setting a precedent for other states or even federal legislation. The requirements for shutdown capabilities, safety protocols, and third-party audits may increase development costs but could also enhance public trust in AI technologies.


The establishment of the Frontier Model Division and Board of Frontier Models creates a dedicated regulatory framework for advanced AI, which may help in addressing emerging challenges more effectively. However, the success of this approach will depend on the expertise and resources allocated to these new entities.


The CalCompute initiative demonstrates California’s commitment to not only regulating AI but also actively participating in its development, potentially positioning the state as a leader in responsible AI innovation.




SB 1047 represents a comprehensive approach to AI regulation, addressing safety, security, and ethical concerns while still promoting innovation. As the bill progresses through the legislative process, it will be crucial to monitor its implementation and impact on the AI industry in California and beyond.


Read more: 

California Senate Bill 1047 Details